Poro machines for large fish are made of aluminum or plastic. The 1700 liter silo is made of plastic or aluminium. The 4000 and 6000 liter silo is only available in aluminium. When purchasing a Poro Feeder, first choose the desired size of silo, 1,700 litres, 4,000 liters or 6,000 litres. Then choose a type of output you want EX or MW.

Poro's automatic feeders have proven their robust construction through several decades of use in arctic waters, where they are put to the test by the forces of nature every day. The further North you go, the more popular these machines have been.

The Poro automatic dispenser system can be divided into two structurally, the one type of dispenser called EX is operated at 24VDC, and therefore does not need shore power to be used. Here there is a feed screw that turns the feed forward, and a "soft" rubber scoop that throws the feed out into the cage in a V shape (up to 20m spreading length).

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